Friends don't let friends mutate shared data
See the About page for more information. Also, you have to pretend that all the code examples are editable and runnable, with live IDE tooltips and so forth. =)
You may be wondering why you would ever NOT use our
variables! They probably feel more like what you are used to. Many our
variables can have equal access to the same object at the same time, but that comes with one key limitation: the fields of that object become immutable!atomic
class Point(x, y)
our p = Point(x: 22, y: 44)
p.x += 1 # <-- Error!
This is, in fact, a core principle of Dada: Friends don't let friends mutate shared dataxor. What it means is that we like sharing, and we like mutation, but we don't like having them both at the same time: that way leads to despair. Well, bugs anyway.
Aside: What's wrong with sharing and mutation?
The friends don't let friends mutate shared data principle needs a bit of justification: it's a pretty big shift from how most languages work! To give you a feeling for why this is such a bedrock principle of Dada, let's look at two examples. For these examples, we'll be using Python, but the same kinds of examples can be constructed in basically any language that permits mutation.
Example 1: Data race
You're probably familiar with the concept of a data race: these occur when you have two threads running in parallel and modifying the same piece of data without any kind of synchronization or coordination. The end result is (typically) unpredictable and arbitrary. Here is some Python code that starts 10 threads, each of which increment the same counter 2 million times. At the end, it prints the counter. What do you think it will print? You'd like to think it will print 20 million. But it won't -- or at least, it might not.
import threading, os
counter = [0]
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
for i in range(2000000):
v = counter[0]
counter[0] = v + 1
def launch():
t = MyThread()
return t
threads = [MyThread.launch() for i in range(10)]
for t in threads:
If you run this, you will likely see different values every time. Why? Because it is possible for another thread to "sneak in" in between these two steps:
v = counter[0]
counter[0] = v + 1
In other words, there might be two threads, both of which read a value of N, increment to N+1, and then store N+1 back. Now there were two counter increments, but the counter only changed by one.GIL
Example 2: Iterator invalidation
"Ok", you're thinking, "I know data races are bad. But why should I avoid sharing and mutation in sequential code?" Good question. It turns out that data races are really just a one case of a more general problem. Consider this Python function, which copies all the elements from one list to another:
def transfer(source, target):
for e in source:
return target
Looks reasonable, right? Now, what do you think happens if I do this?
l = [1, 2, 3]
transfer(l, l)
Answer: in Python, you get an infinite loop. What about in Java? There, if you're lucky, you get an exception; otherwise, you get undefined results. What about in C++? There, this is called iterator invalidation, and it can lead to crashes or even security vulnerabilities.
Fundamentally, the problem here is that transfer
was expecting to read from source
and write to target
; it was not expecting that those writes would also change source
. This turns out to be a very general thing. Most of the time, when we are writing code that writes to one variable, we don't expect that it will caues other variables to change their state.
Functional languages respond to this problem by preventing all mutation. That certainly works. Languages like Rust and Dada respond by preventing mutation and sharing from happening at the same time. That works too, and it gives you more flexibility.
But... what if I want a shared counter?
"OK", you're thinking, "I get that sharing and mutation can be dangerous, but what if I want a shared counter? How do I do that?" That's another good question! Dada has a mechanism for doing this called transactions, and they're covered in a future section of this tutorial. The short version, though, is that you can declare when you want to have fields that are mutable even when shared and then modify them: but you can only do it inside a transaction. Inside of that transaction, the Dada runtime ensures that there aren't overlapping reads and writes to the same object from two different variables or two different threads. So we still have sharing xor mutation, but it is enforced differently.
- This is not actually true. In a future section, we'll introduce atomic fields, which can be mutated even in shared data, but they are only meant to be used in limited situations.↩
- A shorter, if less playful, alternative is sharing xor mutation.↩
- In Python, it's a bit harder to observe this because of the Global Interpreter Lock, but as you can see, it's certainly possible.↩